Rockin’ the Bump

Have you joined Rockin’ the Bump at Things I Can’t Say?

All the cool Mommy Friends are doing it.  I’m a little late to the party, the linky closes tomorrow night, eeks…but better late than never!

Here I am with behbey numero uno.

Pregnancy pics from Boy Wonder are hard to come by, they are all shoved in a box on top of my bookcase, that was before the digital camera so you know how that goes.

Baby deux:

Got this dress at Target for like $9, I was so stoked.

Those are my baby bumps, time to show off yours at Things I Can’t Say!


  1. What a cute bump! The one with you in the black dress is so cute. I wore many a black dress during my pregnancy. I’ve been stalking your blog for awhile now and I have to say I love it! You’re a great writer and the title of your blog is awesome; I always love a good mommy friend.

  2. Awww, you!!! You are so adorable! I wish my pregnancy pictures were this cute! I have a few cute pictures from my first pregnancy, but I think I was too busy taking care of baby number one to take any pictures when I was pregnant with baby number two! 🙂

  3. Awh! You look fabulous and great maternity clothes you had!

  4. What awesome pregnancy pics! Afraid mine aren’t pics I’d want to share. lol

  5. Your are so adorable!

  6. You are adorable!!!

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