BlogHer’10 Pity Party!


Because our Blogher ’10 Pity Party is so fabulous we scored us some sweet swag to giveaway! Our sponsors include The Big Toybook, Sharpie and Sweet Jeanette.

The Big Toybook and Sharpie will be giving 3 lucky winners a bag of goodies!  We can’t share the secret contents of the bag just yet because it’s the same swag our friends at BlogHer will be receiving!  But wait, there’s more!  Sweet Jeanette will be giving 1 lucky winner a beautiful handcrafted bag!

We will use to select 4 winners which will be announced on Monday!

To enter the drawing make sure you link-up your post on our BlogHer ’10 Pity Party by clicking here for the details.  So get writing and enter today!  


BlogHer is an annual blogging conference for women and it is a really, really big deal.  BlogHer’10 is taking place this weekend in NYC, bringing female bloggers together to learn, share ideas, network and partay!

Tina from Life Without Pink is my virtual twin sister in some parallel universe.  She has boys, I have boys.  She is fantastic, I am fantastic.  She’s not attending BlogHer, I’m not attending BlogHer.

So last week we were bumming pretty hard about being Non-BlogHers and decided misery loves company, because it really does.  And that, dear Mommy Friends is how the BlogHer Pity Party was born!  Life Without Pink has graciously offered to host the McLinky so we can link up with our fellow Non-BlogHers!

All you have to do is write a post about why you are disappointed to be missing out on BlogHer.  We also want to hear what you will miss by not attending and what you won’t miss by not attending. 

Head on over to Life Without Pink and link up to join our BlogHer Pity Party!  If we can’t be there with our friends to celebrate BlogHer in person, we can at least lament together and make them feel sorry for us!

What I will miss about BlogHer’10
1. Not having the opportunity to say, “This one time, at BlogHer…”
2. The BlogHer inside jokes.  Every good girl’s weekend has ’em.
3. Not getting to buy new clothes for the conference.
4. Not getting to meet my online besties in person (make the pain stop!).
5. Missing out on the opportunity to network with some amazing companies.

What I will not miss about BlogHer’10
1. Packing.
2. Getting lost at DFW on my connecting flight.
3. Being the newbie and all the nerves that come with it.
4. The effort that goes into pretending I know how to walk in high heels.
5. Not being invited to the fancy sponsored parties all the cool kids are attending.

I am saddest of all that I won’t be meeting all the brilliant moms behind the blogs I adore and admire so much.  Sure, I’ll get over it, just like I got over being dumped right before prom for an easy sophomore.  My heart did go on, and on, and on.

To my dear friends attending BlogHer:  Drink too much, be fabulous and miss me.  Muah!


  1. linking up with you guys. thanks for hosting!

  2. Mommyfriend! Thanks for stopping by! A#5 is doing fabulous, thanks for asking. She’s fit as a fiddle and ruling the roost, just like any other baby of many siblings! Loveing all the blogher pity parties! Awesome!Have a great night!Krista

  3. Maybe someday I will go to a blog conference. I bet they are fun!

  4. Don’t let me even begin to tell you how sick I am about this. But I love the Pity Party. I have been harassing the liquor companies for sponsorship…can’t have a good pity party without booze.

  5. Am I already entered if I posted earlier? What a wonderful surprise. I love how you ladies are making us feel better for not going.

  6. Aww I love this! I’m quite disappointed about not going too 😦 I LOVE this: “Drink too much, be fabulous, and miss me”!!! 🙂

  7. Found you through life without pink… im soooo joining your party i am SO SAD I COULDNT GO!!!!! im following you now

  8. oh, I loved that– sorry for your pain but “getting dumped for an easy sophomore” is classic YA lit! I loved it!

  9. I’m not attending BlogHer either. I’m also a mommy of boys. I look forward to reading more of your blog!

  10. And well, as someone who has recently witnessed a friend battle a bedbug invasion from going on holidays in NYC, you can add to the “What I will not miss” the fact that NYC is the bedbug capital of North America. I know, I hate to label the city that way, but have you any idea the work she had to go through to get rid of the critters…MONTHS of scratching, thinking every black dot is a bug, crawling around on the floor with her nose to the baseboards inspecting, swearing, crying, pretty much going crazy…ok, I feel better about not attending BlogHer…

  11. Unfortunately, I dont have my own blog going yet but i’ll leave you my top 5 HERE.What I will miss about BlogHer’101. Going to NYC to meet and acquire lots of knowledge on blogging and others experiences.2. Meeting mommyfriend Lori of course, and many more mommies.3. Not being able to wear my awesome Stella and dot EARINGS.4. Shopping, hello?!?!?5. Seeing the city, the lights, the sounds, oh and the possible horror haha.What I will not miss about BlogHer’101. Being away from my man and 6 month old, haven’t left them for a long period of time.2. Spending money I really dont have on things I probably don’t need.3. Trying to find the dang place and make it on time.4. Being new to the whole Blogosphere and not having my own, just there because I’m interested and wanting to know more.5. Buying a plane ticket.Well, thats what I got, pity party on my fellow mommies. If you cant joing em’ then throw a pity party! HAHA, thought I would come up with a saying but that didn’t quite work out….C ya xoxoxo

  12. This is so much fun. I already feel better and the party hasn’t even started! Thanks girl…see we are too much alike :)Oh and Corine feel free to grab us swag 🙂

  13. Your Mommy Friend Lori says:

    Corine, wahhhhh!  Of course you can!  We will be there in spirit so go on, have fun but promise to tweet us and tell us what an awful time you’re having!

  14. I’m going to miss the both of you terribly!!!

    Can I be your official blogher insider? I can take pictures and maybe even snag some swag for ya! 😉

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